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Adding resources to services

Once you have defined some services you can now add resources to your services.

To do this you will need to change the frontmatter properties in your resource file, and add the service property to it.


Let's say we have a Lambda resource:

Example: without service
Arn: >-
FunctionName: my-first-function
MemorySize: 1024
Runtime: nodejs16.x
Handler: index.handler
CodeSize: 692
Description: ""
LastModified: 2022-11-22T10:55:10.000+0000
Account: "123456789123"
Service: lambda
updatedAt: "2024-01-02T20:41:55.360Z"
parent: lambda
path: my-first-function

Now let's add the service to the resource, to do this we add the service onto the resource.

Example: without service
service: payment-service
Arn: >-
FunctionName: my-first-function
MemorySize: 1024
Runtime: nodejs16.x
Handler: index.handler
CodeSize: 692
Description: ""
LastModified: 2022-11-22T10:55:10.000+0000
Account: "123456789123"
Service: lambda
updatedAt: "2024-01-02T20:41:55.360Z"
parent: lambda
path: my-first-function

As you can see we added the service: payment-service onto the frontmatter. This will connect a payment-service to this resource.

When you create a service, you specify it's id property. Use this id field to map to a service from a resource.


Many more resources will come to CloudCatalog.

Services give you the ability to group resources into services to help you document them in groups for your teams. Each service has its own markdown file and each resource can be documented.

To learn more about the Service API you can read the api docs